Thursday 20 April 2017

Science Museums Teach Children to Seek Truth

Science Museums Teach Children to Seek Truth

If science is the language that moves you, and for many of us, it is just that, then you really might want to visit some of the San Francisco museums that focus on science more than art. I find both to be of equal importance but there are those, many in fact, that would disagree with me. Whatever your feelings about it, if you have a child that you want to encourage to pay more attention to science courses in school, it is an excellent idea to take them to a museum such as this in order to fan that flame of curiosity.

Science answers many questions about the past and offers many hints at the future of our world and universe. Without science there is much we wouldn't know and even more that we would not understand. I think any of use would be hard pressed to identify the single most important scientific discovery throughout history. There are so many things that are all very significant to the very lives we enjoy today and yet each and every scientific discovery happened because someone, somewhere, asked a question.

I find that truly amazing. When you think about it; physics, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, none of these things would be studied today if someone hadn't found them curious at some point in history. That is precisely why I believe that museums such as the Exploratorium are so important in developing future scientist. If we spark the curiosity in our children at young ages there is nothing to prevent them from great discoveries later on. The Exploratorium encourages children to explore the world around them, even how science affects other things they enjoy (such as skateboarding). If you can use a skateboard to teach physics, imagine what you can do with a car.

The Morrison Planetarium is a great place to take the family if you are truly interested in seeing the stars. I'm not talking Hollywood starlets but real stars. If you or one of your children has the slightest interest in studying the stars, this will be a treat for you all. I sincerely hope you will at least check it out.

The Natural History Museum offers many exhibits that deal with various aspects of life. Perhaps the neatest thing about the Natural History Museum is the fact that you are allowed a very hands on approach to learning here. From actually handling fossils and skulls to really cool artifacts, very little is off limits. This means that even the most difficult child to amuse might find something of interest here; at least, that is the hope.

Finally, there is the Steinhart Aquarium. This is not the Aquarium at the Bay but a municipal aquarium that holds the distinction of being the oldest operating municipal aquarium in America. Among the awesome exhibits that can be found here are several rare specimens that can no longer be found in the wild. The tide pool is perhaps one of the most anticipated attractions of this aquarium. This is where little hands actually get to touch some of the animals that their little eyes are watching in the tanks. Just be careful that you aren't going home with a car full of future marine biologists as this experience can ignite a passion for marine life that will last for quite a while.

Science is a great thing to be studied and explored. I can think of few things I would rather see my children pursue than an endless search for truth and the evidence to support those truths. I hope that by introducing them to opportunities such as these I will have contributed to a life long process of seeking answers that will serve them well. And it can all be owed to a trip to San Francisco.

The Best Way to See San Francisco is from the Air

If you have plans of visiting San Francisco you really should consider seeing it from a birds eye view. There are many ways in which you can do this, but few, if any are more romantic than doing so from the basket of a hot air balloon. In fact, if you've never been in a balloon before, this is a great place to start. 

There are many tours that are offered and each one offers spectacular views and a feeling of weightless wonder that is unrivaled by any other feeling on earth. Imagine watching, as everything on the ground gets smaller and feeling completely at ease with the process. It's a truly amazing way to travel for those who have never experienced it. Young and old alike will thoroughly enjoy the awe of this particular form of travel. 

Some of the tours linger along the coastline while others will take you up into wine country. You can even charter tours that will combine the hot air balloon excursion with ground transportation and accommodations at one of the many area bed and breakfast inns for a nice romantic weekend get away in California's wine country. 

Another great way to enjoy the beautiful views that abound in the bay area is to go hang gliding. There are several places in the area that not only offer lessons but will also take you up with a trained professional after cursory instructions. This allows you to enjoy the sensation and freedom that hang gliding affords without spending days or even weeks taking classes before you ever get to experience the sensation of soaring with the birds.

If that isn't enough to get your adrenaline going and give you the best possible view of this great city, you can always try skydiving. Like hang gliding, sky diving offers tandem drops that mean that you can actually experience the freefall and enjoy the serene beauty of San Francisco without actually going through a rigorous training regiment. If you want the ride of a lifetime to make your trip more memorable, this is definitely the way to go. 

Of course, there are those who prefer flight by mechanical means. There is absolutely no shame in that. The good news is that there are a couple of great ways to take in the scenery with machinery as well. There's nothing to say that you can't make your mechanical experience just as daring as any of the other experiences available. You could view the great scenes of Frisco from the cockpit of a biplane. In addition to the awesome scenery, you are perfectly free to book on of the aerobatic biplane rides, which will be best planned before meals rather than after them. 

In addition to these exciting ways to tour the San Francisco area, you can always choose one of the many helicopter tours instead. This offers what many consider a more sane, I mean safe, mode of transportation while still providing the birds eye view that simply cannot be rivaled from the ground. There are many tours that are available and each one offers something exciting for the adventurous ones that choose to take them.

Each of these modes of transportation can be found in the San Francisco area and each one offers something valuable to those that will find them interesting. Not only the views but also the experiences in and of themselves will make this trip a memorable trip. Even if it isn't your cup of tea, remember that someone you are traveling with could find one of them to be the memory of a lifetime and what greater gift can you really give someone?

I hope, more than anything, I've planted the seeds in your mind that will open your eyes to seeing this great city from an entirely different perspective. There is nothing quite as magnificent as enjoying the city lights from the sky or seeing endless miles of nature stretching out before you. I truly believe there is no better way to enjoy San Francisco than from the sky. 

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