Saturday 29 April 2017

Snow Boarding Holidays

Snow Boarding Holidays

OK so have you ever been on a snowboarding holiday? If so, then you must have enjoyed yourself. The thing about Snow Boarding is that absolutely everybody can enjoy it regardless of their ability. When I first went on a snow boarding holiday it was with my friends and they had all been snow boarding already. This was something that I had never done before, and I was obviously nervous about whether or not I could really enjoy myself when I had absolutely no experience on a board.

But the fact is that I enjoyed it just as much as them, if not more! When you get behind a board something special happens, that I cannot explain. When you are going down a slope, no matter how small, you feel something special when you start to speed up and the acceleration just hits you. I went on the starter slope with my friend who had also never been snow boarding before, but we really enjoyed ourselves. We were firstly given instructions and training by a girl who was an experienced snow boarder. She basically gave us all the hints and tips that we would need to hit the slopes ourselves.

After we had been given the training we also got taught one of the most difficult parts of snow boarding. Yes guys, you guessed it – How to get to the top of the hill on our own. It is really difficult because if you miss-time getting on the lift then you could fall, and if you miss-time getting off the lift then problems can happen just as easily. This is what I always noticed when I was snowboarding because I actually used to get really nervous before I approached the lift. Getting off a snow boarding lift is probably just as difficult for a beginner.

Now let me tell you more about what you can actually get up to on a snow boarding holiday. There is so much to do that it is unbelievable but what I really enjoy the most is how relaxing they are, if not tiring!

You get up in the morning and if you are staying at a hotel, then you really should try and get as big a breakfast as your stomach can handle! Next it is time to hit the slopes, and that it the part that takes up most of the day. When you are deciding what slope to go to you should ask people what slope they prefer and what kind of slope they enjoy. For me this was simple, as I was just a beginner. But as the week went on I did start to get a little braver I have to say. After you have spent your day snow boarding, there is usually lots that you can do on a snow boarding holiday. For a start, you can think of activities that you would do back home. Me and my friends are from the states and we had never been allowed to drink before. So when we went to Europe and we were 20 we could not wait to sample drinking in clubs and pubs around the slopes. This was so much fun, and I have to say that apart from the snow boarding this was the best part of the holiday.

A lot of people ask me if you have to hire out a snow board to go snow boarding on a snow boarding holiday but this is not the case at all. You can easily rent one out when you are over here and it really will not be that much cost at all. My friends are all snow boarders and they decided to hire out snow boards because it actually worked out cheaper than the cost of flying them over on the plane. Whatever you do go on a snow boarding holiday and I am sure that you will really enjoy yourself if you are anything like me.

Snow Boarding - Increasingly Popular

At the moment there are lots of really cool snow boarding games out there for almost every computer console that you can think of, there is also online games and PC games for you to try. It really is a lot of fun for those of us who want to sample the world of snow boarding through a game. A lot people criticise computer games and the way that they stop children going out and doing real sport and activities, and although this is the case with a lot of children I have found that many of the people that I know that have started snow boarding only done so because they firstly tried it on a computer.

Yes folks, I am talking about people that originally played a game on a computer then thought that it was so much fun that they would give it a go in real life. This may sound crazy to a lot of you, but to me it sounds perfectly reasonable. The only problem is that games are made in a way so that they are more exciting, however pulling off some of the stunts that appear in the games is nearly impossible in real life, even for the most experienced snow boarders that I know and have heard of. What people have to do is keep a realistic idea of what they want to do and they are far more likely to attain their goals. This is what I thought, and it is one of the many reasons that I caution people about this before they get started. People are so used to doing things with little practise on computers, so they have to remember that doing things in real life can take far more practise and resolve.

The fact that computer games are bringing people to the slopes is great, but I am sure that it is not only computer games that are doing this on their own. Snow Boarding has become a brand, it is associated with a certain lifestyle and that is why those who want to be cool, hip and freestyle are hitting the slopes. The truth is that the sport is now classed under the “extreme” category placing it on a pedestal next to motor cross, BMX and skate boarding. The rise of popularity in snow boarding also comes down to its similarity with other sports. Those who previously skate boarded and still do will find themselves naturally apt to handle a snow board and the same applies to skate boarding. Those who are used to skate boarding will find the thought of snow boarding appealing, even surfing could be classed in the same manner.

The rise of snow boarding is also down to the personalities, sportsmanship and ability of the top athletes that compete in the sport. The kind of professionalism and dedication that you see within the sport is amazing considering the age of the sport, and the age of the athletes that compete within it. I am aware that international DJs, singers and sportsman all show up at the major events and this is also something that has raised the profile of the sport.

As more and more people enter into the sport and try it every week, it is important that we try our best to support these people and ensure that a high retention rate occurs. The fact is that snow boarding requires a level of commitment that other sports do not require in as much abundance from the outset. A boarder is expected to make an investment in equipment, memberships and a board from an early stage, and it is important that this is met. We should all encourage boarders to start, and in doing so we will raise the profile of our sport and we will raise the respect for what we do. Whether through computer games, brands and perceptions or whatever it doesn’t matter. It is snow boarding that matters.

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